
With highly qualified professionals, Ariboni, Fabbri e Schmidt Sociedade de Advogados has a team of attorneys graduated from the best law universities in the country, fluent in several languages, such as Portuguese, English, French, Italian and Spanish.


Bachelor of Law from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (1984);
Lawyer with over 30 years of experience;
Stock Exchange Operator;
Guest professor and speaker at various educational institutions;
Areas of Practice: Intellectual Property of trademarks, consultancy, licensing contracts, franchises, technology supply contracts, and litigation;
Languages: Portuguese, English, Italian and Spanish;
He has worked at Ariboni, Fabbri e Schmidt Sociedade de Advogados since 1989.
E-mail:, Phone 55 11 3508 7700 r. 7734

Bachelor of Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP) (1989);
Postgraduate in International Trade Law (Torino – Italy) (1996);
Lawyer with over 30 years of experience;
Areas of Practice: Intellectual Property, Licensing and Technology Transfer, Franchising, Consulting, Business and Corporate Law, Mergers and Acquisitions, Commercial Contracts, Real Estate Law, Central Bank, Foreign Capital and Anti-Piracy;
Languages: Portuguese, English and Italian;
He has worked at Ariboni, Fabbri e Schmidt Sociedade de Advogados since 1989.
Phone 55 11 3508 7700 r. 7750

Bachelor of Law from University of São Paulo (USP) (1994);
Specialized in Civil Procedural Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP);
Master and Doctor in Commercial Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP);
Litigation lawyer with over 30 years of experience;
Author of the books “The distinctiveness of Trademarks”, “Trademarks: acquisition, exercise and extinction of rights”, and of several articles published in books and specialized magazines;
Author of the entries “industrial design”, “trademark degeneration” and “trademark registration” published in PUC/SP Legal Encyclopedia;
Co-author of the books “Commercial Law Treaty”, “Distinctive Signs and Judicial and Administrative Protection”, “Immaterial Property: Copyright, Industrial Property and Personality Assets”, “Chapters of Civil Procedure in Intellectual Property”, “Claiming the Usurped Creation”, “Relevant Business Law Topics”, “Intellectual Property Topics” and “Intellectual Property and Personality Assets”;
Expert and technical assistant in Intellectual Property cases;
Expert heard by the Canadian Court in legal proceedings relating to the state of the art of patents published in Brazil;
Author of articles published in volumes 741, 754, 797, 804 and 812 of the Revista dos Tribunais, in volumes 22, 26, 27, 31, 33, 38, 43, 52, 53, 59, 60 and 63 of the Revista da ABPI, in volume 94 of the Process Magazine; in the Revista de Direito Empresarial (year 13, n.3), in volume 5 of the Revista Semestral de Direito Empresarial, in volume 380 of the Lex de Jurisprudência of the Federal Supreme Court and in the Annals of the XX and XXIII ABPI National Intellectual Property Seminars.
Professor of specialization courses in Intellectual Property and speaker at various conferences and related events;
Areas of Practice: Litigation Law;
Associations: OAB-SP and ABPI;
Languages: Portuguese, English, French and Italian;
He has worked at Ariboni, Fabbri e Schmidt Sociedade de Advogados since 1992.
Phone 55 11 3508 7700 r. 7738


Eliana Jodas Cioruci
Bachelor of Laws from Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas (FMU), 1997;
Professional updating courses by ABPI held in 2020 and 2021: Fashion Law (2020); Judicial Expertise in the area of Intellectual Property (2020); Fashion Law: Material and Procedural Aspects of Fashion in the Judiciary (2021);
Graduated in Psychology from Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas (FMU) (1982);
Areas of activity: Intellectual property of trademarks, consultancy, and administrative litigation;
Associations: OAB-SP, ABPI, ABAPI;
Member of the Board of Directors of ABAPI Brazilian Association of Industrial Property Agents for several terms;
Languages: Portuguese and English;
Has worked at Ariboni, Fabbri e Schmidt Sociedade de Advogados since 1985.
E-mail:, Tel. 55 11 3508 7700 r. 7703

Bachelor of Laws from Centro Universitário de Osasco (UniFieo), 1998;
Arbitrator at the São Paulo Arbitration and Mediation Chamber;
Industrial Property Agent;
Areas of practice: Intellectual property of trademarks, patents, software and copyrights, licensing contracts, franchise contracts, technology supply contracts and other related contracts, Competition Law;
Associations: OAB-SP, ABPI, IBAPI;
Languages: Portuguese and English;
Has worked at Ariboni, Fabbri e Schmidt Sociedade de Advogados since 2006.
Phone 55 11 3508 7700, Ext.7784

Graduated in Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas (PUC) (2005);
Specialization in Corporate Law from the University Extension Center (CEU) (São Paulo – Brazil) (2007);
L.L.M in Corporate Law from IBMEC (São Paulo- Brazil) (2010);
L.L.M in Contracts from Insper / IBMEC (São Paulo – Brazil) (2010);
Areas of practice: Business Law, corporate, real estate, contracts, Central Bank, Foreign Capital, Fashion Law and Anti-Piracy;
Associations: OAB-SP; American Bar Association, International Law Section, Young Lawyers Division;
Languages: Portuguese, Italian and English.
Phone 55 11 3508 7700 Ext.7751

Postgraduation in Intellectual Property – area of knowledge: Business, administration and law, Universidade Anhanguera Uniderp (2022)
Business Administration, Faculdades Costa Braga (2002)
Specialization Courses:
Advertising Technician, Santamarense Education and Culture Organization – OSEC
Basic Trademark and Patent Course (G&L);
Intermediate Course in Patents (ABAPI);
Search and Innovation Course (INPI);
Transversal Competence Course – Intellectual Property (SENAI)
Distance learning General Intellectual Property Course (WIPO)
Languages: Portuguese and English
Email: and
Phone 55 11 3508 7700 Ext.7790

Bachelor of Law from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (2015);
Member of the Brazilian Bar Association since August (2015).
Postgraduation course from GVLaw in Intellectual Property and New Business (2018);
English course at Kaplan International English in Dublin – Advanced level (April 2018);
Fashion Law Course: Beyond registration and protection in Fashion by Escola Superior de Advocacia of the Brazilian Bar Association (September/2015 – December/2015).
Languages: English and Korean.
Phone 55 11 3508 7700 Ext. 7739

Graduated in Law since 1998 from Universidade Gama Filho-RJ;
MBA in Intellectual Property from Universidade Cândido Mendes-RJ;
Areas of activity: Intellectual Property of Trademarks, geographical indication, Anti-Piracy
Phone 55 21 2283 2713

Graduated in Law since 2007 from Universidade Federal Fluminense – UFF;
Advanced Course on Technology Transfer Contracts at the Brazilian Association of Industrial Property Agents/ABAPI – São Paulo, BR (2011);
LL.M. in Tax Law from INSPER- São Paulo, BR) (2015);
Specialization in LGPD from FGV – São Paulo, BR (2021);
Area of expertise: Intellectual Property, Data Protection, Business Law, Tax Law and Contracts;
Languages: Portuguese and English
Phone 55 11 3508 7700 Ext. 7768

Graduated in Law from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (2013);
Area of practice: Business Law, Corporate Law, Real Estate, contracts, Central Bank, Foreign Capital;
Associations: OAB/SP;
Languages: Portuguese and English
Phone 55 11 3508 7700 Ext.7755

Graduated in Law from University of Fortaleza – UNIFOR (2018);
Basic Branding Course from Brazilian Law School – EBRADI (2022);
General Intellectual Property Course from World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and National Institute of Industrial Property – BPTO (2019);
Areas of activity: Consultancy; Business Law; Criminal and Civil Law; Industrial Property, Anti-Piracy; contracts; regulatory agencies CONAR, ANVISA and INMETRO.
Associations: OAB-SP;
Languages: Portuguese, Italian and English.
Phone 55 11 3508 7700 Ext. 7712

Litigation in the areas of Intellectual Property, Civil Law and Consumer Law.
Graduated in Law from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ (2015)
Master in Live Science from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ (2018)
Courses: NEW CPC POSTULATORY PHASE – GUARDIANSHIP – PROCESSUAL SANITATION. Brazilian Association of Real Estate Lawyers, ABAMI, Brazil (2017).
Languages: Portuguese and English
Association: OAB/RJ – Brazilian Bar Association (210.987)
Phone 55 21 2283 2713

Graduated in law from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (2019);
Intellectual property and civil procedural law;
Postgraduate student in Law and Civil Procedure from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (2022);
Legal English specialization course from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV).
Languages: English and Spanish.
Phone 55 11 3508 7700 Ext.7783

Graduated in Law from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2018);
Postgraduation in Intellectual Property Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (2021).
Languages – English, French and Spanish.
Phone 55 11 3508 7700 Ext.7730

Bachelor of Laws from Nove de Julho University (2011);
Postgraduate in Intellectual Property, Entertainment & Registered Media and Business Law from Superior Law School –ESA;
Specialization in the New Civil Procedure from FGV;
Specialization in Judicial Recovery and Bankruptcy from OAB/SP;
Executive MBA in Law: Management and Business Law from FGV.
Languages: Portuguese and English.
Phone 55 11 3508-7700 Ext.7769

Graduated in Law from Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas (FMU) (2018);
Postgraduate in Intellectual Property, Entertainment Law, Media and Fashion from ESA/SP – São Paulo – Brazil
Areas of practice: Trademark Law and Entertainment Law
Member of the Special Intellectual Property Commission of São Paulo Bar Association (OAB-SP);
Languages: Portuguese and English
E-mail: Phone 55 11 3508 7700 Ext.7729

Business Administration from FEA/USP (1992);
Bachelor of Laws from PUC/SP (1996);
Master’s degree (LL.M – Master of Laws) in Intellectual Property Law from Franklin Pierce School of Law – University of New Hampshire/USA (2000);
Specialization in Civil Procedure – Postgraduate Lato Sensu from COGEAE-PUC/SP (2010);
Master’s Degree Strictu Sensu in Commercial Law from PUC-SP (2015);
PhD student in Commercial Law from PUC-SP (expected completion in 2025)
Associations: São Paulo Bar Association no. 147.002, São Paulo Lawyers Association (AASP), São Paulo Intellectual Property Association (ASPI), Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI), and International Trademark Association (INTA).
Languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish
E-mail: Phone 55 11 3508 7700

Graduated in Law from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (2022)
Postgraduate in Business Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) (2023)
Areas of practice: Business Law; Advisory; Civil Litigation; Industrial property; Trademark Protection.
Associations: São Paulo Bar Association (OAB-SP);
Languages: Portuguese and English
E-mail: Phone 55 11 3508 7700 Ext. 7742

Graduated in Law from Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado (FAAP) (2016);
Postgraduate in Intellectual Property and Innovation Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) (2024);
Postgraduate in Livestock Management from Faculdade REHAGRO (2023);
Areas of practice: Judicial and Administrative Litigation; Specialized in Intellectual Property, including management of trademarks, patents and industrial designs, with a focus on the protection and litigation of intellectual assets.
Comprehensive experience in drafting judicial and administrative documents, managing intellectual property assets, and strategic action in high-profile cases;
Associations: São Paulo Bar Association (OAB-SP), no. 394,542;
Member of the Special Intellectual Property Commission of São Paulo Bar Association (OAB-SP);
Languages: Portuguese and English
E-mail: Phone 55 11 3508 7700 Ext. 7758

Graduated in Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC) (2017);
Specialization in Civil Procedural Law from Escola Superior do Ministério Público de São Paulo (ESMP-SP) – São Paulo – Brazil (2021);
Specialization in Civil Patrimonial Law from Escola Paulista da Magistratura (EPM) São Paulo – Brazil (2022);
Specialization in Intellectual Property, Entertainment Law, Media and Fashion from Escola Superior da Advocacia de São Paulo (ESA OAB-SP) – São Paulo – Brazil, ongoing (2025).
Areas of practice: Civil Law, Civil Procedure, Industrial Property;
Associations: São Paulo Bar Association (OAB-SP);
Languages: Portuguese, English and basic Spanish
E-mail: Phone 55 11 3508 7700 Ext. 7760

Graduated in Law from the Centro Universitário das Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas
(FMU) (2012);
Graduated in Psychology from Universidade Paulista (UNIP) (2007);
Specialization Civil Procedural Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP); (2018);
MBA in Digital and Electronic Law from Escola Paulista de Direito (EPD – São Paulo, Brazil) (2019);
Areas of practice: Civil Litigation, Industrial Property, Business Law;
Languages: Portuguese, Spanish and English
E-mail: Phone 55 11 3508 7700 Ext. 7713

Graduated in Law from Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas (FMU) (2022);
Postgraduate student in Intellectual Property, Entertainment Law, Media and Fashion from Escola Superior da Advocacia (ESA) with completion in 2025
Areas of activity: Intellectual Property Advisory and Technology Transfer Agreements.
Associations: São Paulo Bar Association (OAB/SP).
Languages: native Portuguese and English
E-mail: Phone 55 11 3508 7700 Ext. 7748

Graduated in Law from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) (2021);
Areas of activity: Intellectual Property (Trademarks, Patents, Domains, Contracts);
Associations: São Paulo Bar Association (OAB/SP).
Languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish
E-mail: Phone 55 11 3508 7700

Graduated in Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC) (2013);
Postgraduate in Civil Procedural Law and Legal Management from IBMEC -Rio de Janeiro – Brazil (2019);
Specialization in Fashion Law from Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro – UERJ – Rio de Janeiro – Brazil (2019);
LL.M. in Law with Specialization in Intellectual Property and Technology from the University of California Berkeley – USA (2024);
Areas of activity: Intellectual Property Advisory and Administrative, Trademarks, Copyright, Trade-dress, Privacy, Image Rights, Contracts, Fashion Law, Entertainment and Anti-Piracy
Associations: São Paulo Bar Association (OAB/RJ) and ABPI
Languages: Portuguese and English
E-mail: Phone 55 11 3508 7700 Ext. 7746

Bachelor of Laws from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – PUC-SP (2018);
Specialist in Business Law from the São Paulo Law School of Fundação Getúlio Vargas – FGV (2021);
Postgraduate student in Intellectual Property from Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, ongoing (2024);
Extension Course in Intellectual Property – World Intellectual Property Organization – WIPO (2021);
Extension Course in Intellectual Property for Audiovisual – World Intellectual Property Organization – WIPO (2021);
Extension Course in Copyright and Social Networks – Escola Superior de Advocacia da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, São Paulo – ESA OAB/SP (2021);
Extension Course in Visual Arts Market: Economic, Management and Legal Aspects – Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado – FAAP (2021);
Extension Course in Contracts in Music and Audiovisual Market – Escola Superior de Advocacia da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, São Paulo – ESA OAB/SP (2024);
Extension Course in Marketing and Advertising Law – Escola Superior de Advocacia da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, São Paulo – ESA OAB/SP (2024).
Areas of Practice: Judicial Litigation, Intellectual Property, Trademarks, Patents, Copyright and Unfair Competition.
Associations: São Paulo Bar Association (OAB/SP) and São Paulo Lawyers Institute – IASP.
Languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish
E-mail: Phone 55 11 3508 7700

Graduated in Law from University of São Paulo (USP);
Physics from University of São Paulo (USP);
Areas of activity: Industrial Property Agent; business consultancy in industrial property; protection of inventions and technologies.
Languages: Portuguese, Italian and English.
Phone 55 11 3508 7700